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    Anti Ragging Cell

    Ragging in all its forms is totally banned in NGFCET in its departments, all its premises (hostel, sports, cafeteria, etc) whether located within the campus or outside. The College shall take strict action against those who found guilty of ragging and/or of supporting ragging. An offence of Ragging may be charged either on a written complaint by the affected or an independent finding of the Anti-Ragging cell.

    Punishment for Participation in/or abetment of ragging

    • Cancellation of admission
    • Suspension from attending classes
    • Student will be debarred from appearing in any examination/test.
    • Suspension from the hostel
    • Fine up to Rs. 10,000/-
    • Expulsion from the college and consequent debarring from admission to any other institute.

    Students can inform any incident of ragging to any of the following members of the anti-ragging squad. You can also register a complaint by directly contacting the Director of the anti-Ragging Cell.

    S.No. Name Department Contact Number
    1. Mr. Rajeev Sindhu Physics +91 9810240207
    2. Dr.Visha Goel Maths +91 9050481718
    3. Mr. Jitender Tewatia Sports +91 9466779086
    4. Mr. Tilakdeb Mukherjee MBA/BBA +91 9958430383
    5. Ms. Manju Rawat Civil +91 8813869004
    6. Mr. Dharmender Patel Mechanical +91 8396042243